Wednesday, October 26, 2005
haha today was rather interesting. we had the history heritage tour! hahha. (: the battle box in fort canning hilll was rather funny cus a few of the people were scared lol. haha i overheard this loretta saying let's move to the middle of the class then melissa was like no the back better can escape faster. lol. so super funny. (: yepp. we went kranji cemetery too. quite sad cus these people died at such a young age, at 20sth. they died for all living men. heh that was written on the thing.

anyway after school we had full dress rehearsal for the dance. i think the shirt looks really stupid on me. ): and i dont have court shoes. ): so im borrowing a pair from isabelle. :D yeah then after that only 4 of us stayed back for stomp. and then we wasted 1.5 hours deciding whether to change or not. /: like how stupid right. oh and i left my stupid knives in class. one was the mcdonalds knife but the other one was a real metal one for butter and stuff. i think i left it on the floor but im not sure. i am going to be so dead if the auntie sweeps it away. /: and btw i think its totally senseless. roti prata doesnt need knives. lol.

hahha. amazing race's gonna start soon! yayye. actually i like the boy in the rogers family but they went out already. im not sure whether i like the weaver family or not. i think i like the bransen family. is that the girly team? haha. (: and there's survivor on friday(: i dont like margaret at all i think she's stupid.